living better

Your First Play Group Today, at work, we registered children and babies for our first play groups! What I wish I could tell the parents; they probably would not believe.  This is so much more than a play group. Don’t get me wrong, the music and play dough, the snacks and songs, are all terrific […]

Your First Play Group

Summer is just around the corner and with it comes your teenager’s first venture into the world of work. Whether it is an unpaid internship in a local office, bagging groceries or scooping ice cream, your teenager is now employed!  In most cases, a surprising fact will arise, our teenagers will work harder, better and faster in […]

Five Important Rules Teenagers Need to Know About Work!

“You do you, Mom.”  I’ve grown to love this snarky little comment my teenager drops every time I’m doing, saying or being something that is either inherently embarrassing, ridiculous or just a giant waste of time in my child’s mind. She says it with a smirk that suggests she knows me well enough to know that […]

“You do you, Mom”

I love the unexpected.  I especially love when life gives you a moment in time that is so truly ordinary and void of expectation and suddenly (or even slowly) it turns into a pivotal moment.  An aha moment if you will, a moment of clarity and understanding. Now, I never could have anticipated being thankful […]

“No Space Between Us” from the movie Spanglish

organize, organizing
**NEW** Virtual Organizing Services Get the help of a professional organizer at a fraction of the cost.  Save time, save money and start living better, read more… Traditional Organizing Services as well as workshops and organizational tutoring are available too! Getting Organized is not about perfection, it is about living better and we can help.  […]

**NEW** Virtual Organizing Services

 My Writing In A Nutshell It is always a good thing when your initials fall in perfectly with your philosophy of life.  Welcome to LB Living Better. I am LB, Lisa Bates and I have discovered that I do indeed enjoy writing. I was never one of those kids whose teachers said “you should be a […]

LB Living Better ~ Writing