
Your First Play Group Today, at work, we registered children and babies for our first play groups! What I wish I could tell the parents; they probably would not believe.  This is so much more than a play group. Don’t get me wrong, the music and play dough, the snacks and songs, are all terrific […]

Your First Play Group

summer_bucket_list_2017 1 comment
  Summer Bucket List 2017~It’s hard to believe that I have been making Summer Bucket Lists for more than a decade now.  A simple exercise for children and adults, I have to say I treasure the old lists as much as I do our old family photos.  Each list is a funny, sentimental, diary-like glimpse […]

Summer Bucket List 2017 Printable

An excerpt from the book, Barbies in the Horse Bin, Living Better with Organized Children… Some days I need to read and follow my own advice!  Some days I write things that I really kind of like.  Some days I would rather make memes than do my work.  Today would be one of those days. […]

Less is More…

screen_free_unplug_summer 11 comments
I wish I could say it was a great epiphany or the culmination of the study of great parenting journals that helped me arrive at the decision to go screen-free for the summer.  No, it was nothing like that at all, it was an honest to goodness, full-blown, hissy fit. One of those not to be proud of parenting […]

The Truth about “Going Screen Free” for the Summer!

1 comment
“You better take a jacket, it might rain.” “What about the permission slips?” “Did you pack your cleats?” “Hurry, the bus is coming!” “Do you have your music for band?” “Do you need money today?” “Where is the lunch I made?” Some version of these questions is fired out in rapid succession by every mom, […]

Teach Planning this Summer ~ Living Better with Organized Children!

I love the unexpected.  I love when life gives you a moment in time that is so truly ordinary and void of expectation and suddenly (or even slowly) it turns into a pivotal moment.  An aha moment if you will, a moment of clarity and understanding. I never anticipated being thankful for the nasty cold virus […]

No Space Between Us… (Spanglish, 2005)

Through your words and actions show my child what it means to “love the game”. Thank you coach, for all you do, your time, patience and influence… It will last a lifetime.

For the Love of the Game